Convention: Senators, Reps take position on Exclusion From APC Convention

  • All Progressives Congress (APC) National Assembly members are protesting their exclusion from the National Convention in the proposed amendment to the party’s constitution.

The federal lawmakers described as undemocratic, unjust and illogical for the proposed amendment initiated by the National Caretaker Committee, led by Mai Mala Buni, to exclude them as statutory delegates.

The caretaker committee is seeking ratification for the proposed constitutional amendment at the February 26 convention.

A member of the House of Representatives, Olajide Jimoh (Lagos Mainland), said the legislators would meet this week to assess the situation.

Jimohas written to Buni for clarification. He disagreed with the proposed amendment in the letter titled: ‘APC Constitution (Amendment)- Proposed Exclusion of NASS Members,’ he said the amendment violated the 1999 Constitution.

Jimoh said: “I read with dismay a proposed plan to amend our party’s constitution in line with Article 30 (iii). This is a welcome development under your leadership.

“However, I disagree with the proposed plan to amend 12(i), which has to do with the Convention.

“Any attempt to exclude members of National Assembly (NASS), individually or collectively, by error of commission or omission will violate the principles of Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 Constitution as amended.

“Federal lawmakers or members of National Assembly belong to federal level or national level. As such, they belong to National Convention and must be partakers at all levels.

“Many hands make light work.” Shakespeare said: “Mine honour is my life; both grow in one; take honour from me and my life is done.” Members of NASS, both serving and former, have been part of National Convention, ab initio. Removing them will become too apparent that you don’t need them.

“Please note that our party is not the only registered political Party in Nigeria. Others have members of the National Assembly as part of their National Convention.

“I am convinced that our National Convention will be an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences on the continuous improvement of our party, APC.

I hope through your leadership, our party will once again become a party of international standard.

“Your Excellency, chairman; there is another Chapter of history to be made in Nigeria come 26th of February, 2022.”

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