Why APC Ward 3 Executives In Etsako East LGA Visits Deputy State Chairman, Jarrett Tenebe

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The authentic Ward 3 Executives in Etsako East LGA led by Abass Kanabe paid a courtesy visit on Sunday 24th April 2022 to the All Progressive Congress (APC) Deputy State Chairman Emperor Jarrett Tenebe in his country home Ikabigbo in Etsako West LGA.

In his opening remark, the ward Chairman, Abass Kanabe thanked the Deputy Chairman for his love for the unity and progress of the Party, and being able to stand to defend the truth against injustice and intimidation.

He explains that the executive committee led by him was duly elected in the last LGA congress and appropriately sworn-in by the Etsako LGA party Chairman, Chief Peter Okponokhe. But it was with surprise and trepidation that he heard of the swearing-in of an illegal executives for the Ward 3 by the State Welfare Officer, Frank Omoh.

He stated that, Frank Omoh has been a problem for the ward in his attempt to sway them to the side of Senator Alimikhena which is against their consciences and sound judgement. He pleaded with the Deputy Chairman for Frank Omoh to be called to order so as not to create divisions and disunity in the Ward by his actions and utterances.

In reiteration the Deputy Chairman, Jarrett Tenebe stated clearly that the Ward Executives duly sworn-in by the Party LGA Chairman Peter Okponokhe remains the authentic executives of the Party in Ward 3.

Continue speaking, he speaks on the action of Frank Omoh in allegedly swearing-in executives in Ward 3 is null and void and should be ignored.

He added that if the State Chairman had any action to be carried out in Edo North it will be routed through his office and not Frank Omoh. He reminded Frank Omoh that his responsibilities as the Welfare Officer of the Party in the State are enormous but do not include his purported inauguration of illegal Executives in Ward 3.

For Lucky Agbudumhe and his group not to run foul of the law they shouldn’t in anyway parade themselves as party executives of Ward 3, Jarrett was quoted said.

It therefore indicated that as it stands, Abass led executives remain the authentic executives of Ward 3.

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