Being goal-oriented means you are focused on reaching or completing specific tasks to achieve a planned outcome. People who are goal-oriented are driven and motivated by purpose. Also known as being task-driven or results-driven. Someone who is goal-oriented uses targets to stay motivated in their work. This is the unmitigated portraiture of Hon Godwin Eshieshi’s attributes especially as it regards delivery of goods to the people he leads as seen during his tenure as the council head, Etsako East and in other positions before and after this. He is full of the joys of spring and good at getting his show on the road. He is honest as the day is long and never quits until he hits the big time in whatsoever he sets out to do.

It is very possible to know the person of Godwin Eshieshi without having personal relationship with him because his works speak much volumes of him. We knew him by his works not his words, that is why we can hardly stop singing his praises even if he does not want it so. We heard much of his well deserved praises, we had no other option than to jump on the bandwagon. His works speak much volumes of his kind of person — the kind of person you should know if you unfortunately don’t. Nothing shows the character and attributes of a man better than his works as it is often said that action speaks louder than words, hence the song of his works will not cease in our mouths under any circumstance.

We will not miss this golden boat to bring to your good knowledge his remarkable contribution to the educational development of his community (Okpella) even after leaving office long ago. Here, out of his quest to alleviate his people’s suffering, he contributed tremendously to the educational growth and development of the people by championing a cause to bring a part-time National Certificate in Education ( NCE) program from the National Teachers Institute (NTI) in Kaduna to Okpella, which was eventually brought to fruition in 2018. In solitary, he travelled on several occasions to Kaduna Headquarters of the National Teachers Institute (NTI) for part-time National Certificate in Education (NCE)/Degree program to be established in Okpella. He sponsored the officials of the NTI inspection team to Ikpomaza grammar School and Comprehensive Secondary School in Okpella and approval to run the NCE was eventually given in January, 2018 while the B.Ed program was taken to Afuze NTI centre in Owan for lack of degree students in Okpella Centre. We are pleased to say here that to God’s glory, the first set of students of the part-time School (NCE) in Okpella are graduating in this year, April, 2022: meaning that graduands will be fit to seek for jobs in the state Ministry of Education as teachers in our schools or join private companies such as Bua and Dangote or military/paramilitary such as customs, civil defence corps, immigration et alia, when they graduate. Interestingly, application and admission into the next academic session of the school will soon commence for prospective students. We need not mention that this achievement is of stupendous benefit to the community not necessarily to the one who fought for it. The program was essentially geared towards engaging and helping our young ones, boys and girls and others in some other communities to pursue a career in teaching in a bid to mitigate the problem of teachers shortage in various primary and secondary schools across the State and create employment. To this end, Bua/CDA supported this program by awarding scholarships to forty (40) students of the school last year and we are still expecting more.

Worthy of note here is the fact that the funds expended during the pursuit of this educational goal for the general community was totally out of his account. He pursued it to the crown without soliciting funds from anyone and this was when he was no longer in charge of any government office. We are talking about a project that became a smash hit in 2018 here, not about projects done during his days in office as either a legislator in the Edo House of Assembly, Etsako East Local govt Boss or as Special Adviser to Edo Government on Special Duties, Oil and Gas; which are too many to be recounted in this piece as much of them have been enumerated in our recent publication.
You may do yourself a world of good by further inquiring about the various projects we are tagging to his name and you will be pleased to know that they are not castles built in the air but simple facts.

This is how far his passionate interest in the wellbeing of his people goes. He is a man of few words but loud actions.

At a time like this when eyebrows are up and eyes wide open in search of good representation in various political positions at the Federal level in the forthcoming general election, we are calling on Hon. Godwin Eshieshi to represent us at the lower chambers of the National Assembly, Etsako Federal constituency because We trust in his leadership. We stand with him at all times believing that the good people of Etsako do same.

Eshieshi Solidarity Movement (ESM) media team

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