The Boy Has Gone Mad Again © Edo North APC Media Frontiers

The Boy Has Gone Mad Again

Like in the popular work of Professor Ola Rotimi, titled; ‘Our husband has gone mad again’, the Edo State Deputy Governor, Mr Philip Shaibu, recently during a visit to HRH, Peter Osigbemeh, the Onwue-weko of Okpekpe kingdom, Etsako East LGA of Edo State, took up the character of a complete ideological misfit and an inglorious opportunist in a State he has grossly demonstrated his embarrassing level of mental and intellectual deficiencies.

While addressing His Royal Highness and in a bid to introduce the factional candidates of PDP in Edo North, Philip Shaibu in his usual very poor command of English language, failed in his attempts to cast aspersions on the most successful governor Edo State has ever had, Comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole.
The response of the traditional ruler would have been sufficient if not that in order to respect the office of the Deputy Governor, he deliberately evaded apportioning blames to Shaibu. But the message in his response was clear and disappointing to Shaibu.

It is necessary to note that Philip Shaibu started on a very wrong footing to purport that he brought Comrade Oshiomhole into politics. What a way for the wicked to strive in inexactitudes and lies! He spoke like a prodigal son, who, while basking in the euphoria of his improvidence, begins to claim to have fathered his own father. It is an unfortunate statement that can only be considered plausible by an absolutely gullible audience. Thank God the people of North Ibie are not only informed, wise and critically minded, they also know the anticidents of Philip as well as his character as a mere loquacious, unintelligent and a drowning ingrate.

For the records, Shaibu was just another rolling stone in peripheral politics before Comrade Oshiomhole took him and made him work under the illumination of his (Oshiomhole’s) good will and general acceptability. In fact, Philip Shaibu contested an election in 2003, where he was literally booted out and totally humiliated on the election day by Hon. Abdulai Imodagbe. In that election, his few political supporters attempted to exhibit thuggery but were effortlessly rounded up by the police while Philip Shaibu, their principal and candidate cowardly ran into hiding even while the election was ongoing.

Perhaps, it is pertinent to remind Philip Shaibu how politically little he was before the coming of the People’s President, as Oshiomhole was fondly called. In 2006, Former President Obasanjo appointed Emperor Jarrett Tenebe as the Chairman, Metallurgical Training Institute, Onitsha. In a bid to identify with him, his friends and political associates, notably, Alhaji Yakson Musa, Alhaji Aneru Abu, late Hon.Zakawanu Garuba, Hon. Matthew Udueriyekeme, Mr Akeem Zibiri, Mr Solomon Obomighie, Chief Richard Lamai and many others, organized a reception for Tenebe at Polaris Hotel, Afashio -Uzairue in Etsako West LGA. The ceremony was held at the field somewhat adjacent to the exclusive dinning hall in the hotel. And among the dignitaries that attended that event were late Chief Tony Anenih(who was PDP Chairman, BoT), Dr Liyel Imoke(then Minister of Mines and Steel), Chief Mike Oghiadome( then Edo State Deputy Governor), Comrade Adams Oshiomhole (just finishing his term as NLC President), Chief Solomon Aguele,( then Edo State PDP Chairman), Chief Dan Orbih (then Ist.Member, NNPC Board), just to mention a few. After the usual speech making, the dignitaries where asked to move to the exclusive dinning hall for a special treat. Shaibu attempted to enter the hall but he was promptly restricted from entry as his personality could not guarantee his admittance to the hall. At that point, Hon. Matthew Udueriyekeme attempted to plead on his behalf but his entreaty was rebuffed until Comrade Adams Oshiomhole came and specifically spoke with Alhaji Yakson Musa as the Chief Host of the event before Philip was eventually allowed to enter therein with Comrade Adams Oshiomhole.

It is also highly laughable for the Deputy Governor to pretentiously sound as an advocate for the youths in elective positions while parading Senator Alimikhena for a third term bid in his futile attempt to de-market Comrade Adams Oshiomhole. Everyone knows that Philip is a terrible bad example of the desired Nigerian youth. He cannot therefore attempt to midwife a process for the articulation of Nigerian youths participation in politics. Again, in terms of agility, physical, mental and intellectual fitness, Comrade Oshiomhole is undoubtedly and remarkably miles better than the PDP factional candidate being paraded by the Deputy Governor even when he has had a very poor outing in the outgoing 9th Senate.

Without doubt, it is disdainfully irritating, watching Philip Shaibu accused again, Comrade Ohiomhole of practicing Godfatherism. This is the stale old story he used to hoodwink many innocent people into a fruitless political fight in 2019/2020 of which many who fought on his side have since seen him as the definition of an unrepentant ingrate, a political bigot that is completely engulfed in barbaric selfishness and incurable idiotic behavior. Maybe we need to ask Philip who he consulted when he began to roll out his wife’s kitchen boys and personal aides as candidates in the forthcoming 2023 general election. Why were the likes of Hon. Razak Momoh, Dada Abubakar and others denied the nomination form on the order of the Deputy Governor? Why did Philip Shaibu threaten the Owan West woman that won the factional senatorial ticket in order to smuggle Alimikhena into his faction? Let him tell the voting public who and how he allowed any form of contest with his godchildren before he started parading them as factional candidates. Who contested with them at any primary election?

It is unarguably and evidently clear that Philip Shaibu rode on the back of Comrade Adams Oshiomhole who also gave him the total support to function as the Majority Leader in Edo State House of Assembly including giving him the opportunity to claim credit of the projects done by Comrade Adams as his(Philip’s) Constituency projects.

One would have thought that his inability to answer the uncomplicated question governor Nyesome Wike of Rivers State asked him (“Who is your father”) would make him reflect and know that the drums of defeat would not sound in vain. He must dance to the beats and rythm. Philip’s return to wear his garments of insolence is a clear indication that the boy has gone mad again.

As the rythm and lyrics of 2023 sound nearer and clearer, the boy should understand and absolve the reality of his early political retirement via his looming defeat at the 2023 general polls .

© Edo North APC Media Frontiers
21 Nov.2022

One thought on “The Boy Has Gone Mad Again © Edo North APC Media Frontiers

  1. The history of a man begins with a second but when the agreed term is not followed by self centeredness, the whole world will know the secret. Is what is happing between Philip and Oshiomhole we are seeing now. Shame to Failed APC

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