RE:Edo-North 2023: Akokoedo Owan Stakeholders kick against Oshiomole Senatorial Ambition: Sending your media aids to attack Oshiomole is a sign of disloyalty

RE:Edo-North 2023: Akokoedo Owan Stakeholders kick against Oshiomole Senatorial Ambition:

Sending your media aids to attack Oshiomole is a sign of disloyalty

In the message ” the National coordinators of group, Messrs Victor Umoru &Henry Ijegba ” so called representative of Akokoedo and Owan are not 8n existed on the planet Earth, looking at the leadership of Akokoedo and Owans those names from the pit of hell formed by the fraudstrated media aids of the drawning Senator Francis Alimikhena who is bet to return to the red chamber of the national Assembly for the third term which will never see the light of the day.

Sponsoring write-up against the person of Comr Adams Oshiomole on national news papers like vanguard is a joke taking too far Mr Senator because those people around you will not go down to the pit with you. If you like go to world News paper it will not help or rescue you from going down as your time in the Senate expired may 29, 2023.

In that write-up you said ” the last Governorship Election in Edo State shows that the services of Oshiomole is no more needed 8n Edo-north” I laugh at your ignorance. Oshiomole was not on the ballot but still delivered the entire Edo-north even when it was obvious Sen Francis Alimikhena played antiparty in the said Election that led to his poor performance in his unit where APC scord 57% of the total vote cast in a Senator pulling unit what a shame.

I laugh when you called senator a performaning Senator because in a village where there are blind people a man with one eye become the king. What is performing about a Chairman committee of Custom who could not engaged himself? What is performing about a man who is selling custom slot for fellow senators? get turn his Constituency to OBIOMA and OKADAMEN?. It is laughable seeing the senator measuring political shoulders with the people Comrade.

The senator wet further to treaten the existence of our great party ” any attempt to stop the senator will lead to final death of APC in Edo-north” . When will called you a tractor and PDP Moore in APC we where accused but with this write-up it is obvious to the blind and we will show you the way out of APC soon to where you truly belong my sleeping senator. A senator that couldn’t win his unit Election convincingly is talking of delivery the entire Edo-north. What was the senators contribution during the 2020 Governorship Election?

I don’t know what you mean when your said” Edo-north APC would have collapse if not the Goodwill of the senator” who he help? When last the senator call a Senatorial meeting ? fact that he is recycling bike and sewing machine among his aids ? Does this amount to sponsoring a political party? .

A man who couldn’t hold the structure of his ward want to run for Dead third term in office. If you and your cohorts will not stop blackmailing Comrade we will show you the way out of this party .

OSM Media Team.

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