Fellow Etsako people, it is time to show gratitude. To all men and women, the young and the aged, the students, entrepreneurs, farmers, the artisans, okada riders, local vigilantes groups, etc. I want to show my appreciation to you.

To all security agencies, traditional institutions, political leaders and supporters, l salute your gallantry for the collective efforts in entrenching socio-democratic values in Afemai land and Nigeria at large.

Today is a special day of rememberance when the struggles of our founding fathers climaxed in a ceremonius investiture for political independence of Nigerians on 1st October, 1960.

At 62nd Independence, we have made appreciable progress as a nation and l humbly appeal to fellow citizens to prioritize welfare of the less priviledged around us needing our succour. The little helping hands have far reaching positive effects on their livelihoods.

As former US President puts it: *”if you fail to help the poor simply because they are not your family ties or ethnic, or racial relations, you are the enemy of mankind.”*

In my own little effort as philanthropist, l have been doing my best from the limited resources at my disposal and this l shall continue to do until the son of nobody becomes somebody

Since 2011, we have been able to touch many lives through the provision of drinking water, shelters, empowerment, roads, rural electrification, education, employment, school enrollment fees, programme support initiatives, etc all of which are funded by Anamero Idofe Anamero Foundation.

Only last week, the Anamero Foundation launched *”Back to School Initiative program” where over 40,000 Exercise Books were distributed to hundreds of school across the 6 Local Government Areas in Edo North. The books are marked: “Not For Sale”.*

Bearing in mind that there is a limit of what my little resources can do, l am pleased to remind you once again that l am the APC Candidate contesting for House of Representatives, Etsako Federal Constituency to represent you at the National Assembly from 2023 (if you give me the mandate).

It is my promise that l will work for you and l will change the narrative of legislative representation if elected.

Let me therefore condole with flood victims in some parts of Etsako Federal Constituency in South Uneme-Udaba, Ekperi, Anegbete, Ofukpo, Udochi, Agbau and Osmogbe in Etsako Central LGA and Agenebode axis along the river shore in Etsako East respectively.

l feel your pains and loss in the face of despair. But know this- l will stand by you always, plan with you to finding lasting solutions against future occurrence.

In the coming days you shall hear from me soonest.

Thank you for believing in my cause towards moving Etsako Forward.

God Bless You All.


*Mr. Dekeri Sunday Anamero, APC Candidate, House of Representatives*

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