How Hon Eshieshi chairmanship cleaned our tears In Weppa.

How Hon Eshieshi chairmanship cleaned our tears In Weppa.

Hon Godwin Eshieshe assumed the mantle of leadership as the Executive Chairman of Etsako East Council in 1999 and his first assignment was a tour across the Local Government Area not only on a thank you visit but to as a matter of urgency inquire on the various needs of each communities and to find a means to resolved and put a smile on the faces of the good people of Etsako East. This was on his quest to come to terms with first hand details of the challenges of numerous communities in a bid to initiate the appropriate solution. It was on the basis that Godwin Eshieshe visited our community in Weppa at the inception of tenure as a Local Government Chairman.

At that time, one of such pathetic demand of the people of Agiere and Aviodo and partly Ekwotsor precisely in Weppa Agenebode was the issue of a serious WATER FLOODING DISASTER that Devastated the entire Communities mentioned above with hundreds of houses destroyed and rendered the people of those community homeless. This happened for several years without solution by past governments. Upon assumption of office by Godwin Esheshe the solution to stop this flooding commenced.

On 20th August 1996, the flood disaster which was as a result of heavy rain downpour and was furtheraggravated by railway construction activities by Julius Berger Construction Company can never be forgotten in hurry.

At the time of Godwin Eshieshe’s visitation thousands of people were homeless, farm lands and crops , fishing ponds etc were completely destroyed and washed away. Infact, it was so serious that the people’s livelihood was begging for attention. it was a sorry state and was so pathetic that the entourage of the Local Government chairman and those who accompanied him on the the visit were moved to tears.

Hon Eshieshi then Promised the entire Communities that he love challenges and assured the entire Communities that God will use him (Hon Eshieshe) to bring the Government of the day to our rescue and then undertook a tour to Abuja to seek audience with the then Hon. Minister of transportation (Hon) Mallam Yisa Yuguda, who personally visited Weppa with Hon Godwin Eshieshe. Thereafter Hon Eshieshe reached out to some influential people at the corridor of power in Aso Rock Villa under Mr president, chief Olusegun Obasanjo .

Hon Eshieshe is one Chairman that will not let go until he he sure that his people are satisfied, he personally visited the then Chief of staff at the Villa as a follow-up and to solicit for help.

His persistent, pressure, coupled with his tenacity to succeed in this venture eventually payed off as all relevant authorities saddle with the responsibilities responded with adequate compensation which was given the communities and everyone was carried along.

In 2001, that is within one year of the assumption of office of our connected Chairman Hon Eshieshe; our cries, walling and hardship of our people and the entire communities occasioned by the disaster eventually came to an end as the The Federal Government heard our plights and adequate compensation was given to us. At that time I was got N784,994 this was when the value of money was good and I was able to rebuild my house in a model style. Many people rebuild their houses to a good standard and had enough to startup businesses, as we speak the impact of that intervention is still visible till today, those whose farms land were destroyed were given adequate compensated and those whose fishing ponds were destroyed were well compensated , some of us received more than one million (N1m) and some below and we thank God for this, til today the entire community of Weppa in Agenebode holds Hon. Godwin Eshieshe in a very high esteem and the time to pay him back is here. We will gavanize 90% of the total vote for him come 2023 general election. Once again thank You Hon Godwin Eshieshe for your service to humanity .


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