Hon Godwin Eshieshi Sends Warm Message To Oshiomole On His 70th Birthday.

Hon Godwin Eshieshi Sends Warm Message To Oshiomole On His 70th Birthday.

Comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole is an astute and indomitable unionist; an adroit politician and a meteoric statesman. He has straddled our barbed socio-political landscape meritoriously for several decades; with reverberating waves, exhuming awe and infinite affection, unarguably, across political divide. Even his hardened cynics concede his ebullience, flair and uncommon heroic accomplishments.

We salute our visionary Fmr, Governor and Chairman, on this special period of his 70th birthday, for his courage, eclectic and people friendly disposition.
As National President of the Nigeria Labour Congress [1999 – 2007], Comrade Adams Oshiomhole asserted and gave fillip to the dignity of the Nigerian workers. He elevated the status of the Nigerian workers, ensured his relevance and inclusiveness in the formulation of national policies.
His foray into politics in 2007 was messianic. It was quite evident that he was not a political neophyte. He demonstrated maturity and was guided by a well conceived blueprint. In his two-term Governorship of Edo State, having won his second term in 2012 in a massive landslide electoral victory, he set in motion a people -driven socio-structural engineering. Roads were developed, with arteries penetrating into long forgotten areas in the various senatorial districts such as, Ekperi.- Anegbode ; Afowa-Iyora, Iyamo-Okpepke. Benin City reverberated as a more befitting state capital with street lightings, ring road beautification, construction of dual roads, walk ways and drainages particularly, on Akpakpava, Airport Road and Sokponba Road; reclaimed the dreaded erosion ravaged and dump site areas of Costain Road and its environs from several years of abandonment. The Benin water storm project was a daring venture in engaging run- away erosion which had ravaged the entire city. In the educational sector, the Red Roof Revolution was the clarion insignia for revamping decadent primary and secondary school structures across the state. The Comrade Bus which on the one hand, gave further impetus to mass transit in the state, provided the relief of free transportation for children in uniform, to and from school. The excitement the service generated, coupled with the improved learning environment were compelling incentives for children to be in school. Health services were revisited and the state capital is housing an ultra model hospital with state of the art equipment. He has been at the forefront of emplacing discipline in our political process by engaging in the propaganda of the One Man, One Vote” slogan.
Comrade Adams Oshiomhole emerged the current National Chairman of our great party, the All Progressive Congress [APC] in 2018, following a unanimous voice vote at the party national convention. He has since kept faith with party aspirations. He galvanised the party machinery to ensure the renewal of our presidential mandate in the 2019 election and the emergence of the desired leadership of the National Assembly; thus putting in place a synergised Legislature and Executive with a capacity for unhindered delivery on party and indeed, national goals and objectives. He has reinvigorated party democratic structure and machinery to ensure discipline and best practices in the party. While putting the party and national interest first and above personal interest, he has engaged internal squabbles in the party with maturity, equanimity and deft statesmanship with an avowed commitment to taking the party and indeed the nation to its next level.
Comrade Adams Oshiomhole is a legendary icon, driven by a defining intellect, power of oration, in-depth knowledge and understanding of issues. Sharp wit and stunning capacity for informed and brilliant response and above all, commitment and patriotism are sterling attributes no one can take away from our amiable Comrade, Oshiomole.

Edo North would be very lucky to have a man of this calibre at the National assembly as all assurance is there that, as a distinguished senator of the federal republic of Nigeria, he will deliver the goods to all and sundry in Edo North senatorial district, Edo State, South-South region and Nigeria at large.

We mark his 70th birthday with great felicitations.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Comrade like no other.

*Hon Godwin Eshieshi.*

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