Barrister Danco six points manifesto tagged SHIELD is for the restoration of all lost political hopes in Etsako land.

Barrister Danco six points manifesto tagged SHIELD is for the restoration of all lost political hopes in Etsako land.

The manifesto when properly implemented will give every inhabitants of Etsako federal constituency sense of belonging and responsibility.

On the other hand,the application of the manifesto will discourage political apathy which will in turn make the citizens of Etsako land to be fully involved in politics.

Again,the accomplishment of the manifesto by the leading candidate of APC for Etsako Federal constituency Hon Danco will bring to bear and adhere to the principle of national consciousness.
The principle simply mean putting the people of the Federal constituency first before his personal dealing.

Furthermore,the execution of the manifesto will help to reduce drastically high death rate among the constituents with the provision of maternal homes and clinics in every nooks and crannies of the federal constituency.

Besides the fulfillment of the SHIELD agenda will give room for total industrialisation of Etsako land which will encourage creation of jobs for the teeming youths.

A vote for Danco is a vote for total industrialisation and gross discouragement of political apathy in Etsako federal constituency.




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