Auchi Chapter APAA 2022: Real Reason Why Odia Robert Ogedegbe Is The Best Man For The Job – Agbukor


The publisher of Agbukor Lucky Apeakhuye and award winning journalist man of the year 2021, with Ukwe Got Talent Entertainers has said, without mincing words, it will interest any association in our prestigious Polytechnic to know that, what the Auchi Chapter of the Auchi Polytechnic Alumni Association (APAA) needs now is fresh leadership with vision, knowledge, ideas and experience. And Comrade Odia Robert Ogedegbe is equipped with the aforementioned qualities.

Odia Robert can never thank people enough and he will never betray the confidence and goodwill of the Auchi Polytechnic Alumni Association (APAA)

There was a time when the mark of a vertex was considered a gift. People used it as a privilege of their instinct, but Odia Robert is both a gift and a vertex. Apart from pretense, we love him and we are proud of him. We will continue to appreciate him for his pedigree and achievements especially in the area of building mutual understanding within the organization, we will continue to hope in him for what he has done, what he is doing and what he intend to do.

We need him to represent us in Auchi APAA comes 2022. APAA need fresh leadership with vision, knowledge and courage. A leader that has the interest of the Masses at heart, a leader that will unite APAA together with a record of providing real solution.

Odia Robert remains the beacon of hope.

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