Adetutu Owolabi Celebrates Eid-el-Kabir With Muslims

Markson Kpamehase – Michael & Pope Innocent

The nature of human is divinely connected to his maker and environment, irrespective of his line of thought. This, no doubt often facilitates human’s natural instincts and clear connections to his divinity! Thus, religious celebrations are a means or channels of divine interaction and communication with the supernatural Almighty. In these, God is honoured and worshipped in His supremacy above all.


Therefore, EID-EL KABIR celebration by our Muslim brothers and sisters in Akoko Edo, Edo State, Nigeria and all over the world today, is a mark of honour to God and a show of human nature to his maker.


Consequently, religious celebration is not just a mere religious exercise, as many would always think, but it is a show of utter committment to God, as ordained by God Himself to man. In line with these, DR. Adetutu Owolabi, an astute politician, a human concerned humanitarian and APC chieftain called on all Muslim brothers and sisters; especially in Nigeria to use this year’s Eid-El Kabir celebration to foster unity, oneness and togetherness in the country. Adetutu said, ” religious celebrations become meaningful and more interpretative both spiritually and physically when peace is ensued by all.” In a related development, DR. Adetutu Owolabi called on Nigerians, irrespective of religious differences, ethnic divides and political affiliations to use this year’s Eid-El Kabir celebration to unite Nigeria for peace, progress in all dimensions, economic growth and prosperity.


The development of any society, Nigeria not an exception, is dependent on the fervent prayers of her citizens. Secondly, prayers become more effective, when sincerity of purpose, hard work for excellence and other genuine features of a society are properly embraced by all. “These and many other positive inclinations, share common values and sincere religious instincts, are the genuine instruments for a better society and mankind.,” Adetutu emphasized.


Nigeria had and has had a deep cut and detrimental effects of insecurity, which in a clear term has grosely affected the economic well being of Nigerians. “In the midst of this year’s Eid-El Kabir celebration, we should as a people fervently pray for Nigeria, where peace will naturally become the order of the day. It is only in this that Nigeria can stand tall in the commity of other developed nations.” DR. Adetutu Owolabi added.


“I join our Muslim brothers and sisters in Akoko Edo, Edo State, Nigeria and all over the world to celebrate this year’s Eid-El Kabir; I wish you all the best as we expect a better and a prosperous Nigeria with renewed Hope with the Day’s Government.” DR Adetutu Owolabi concluded.

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