A Patriacha Goes Home

A Patriacha Goes Home

Etsako East APC publicity secretary Hon. Abdulrasak Idodo Emmanuel eulogies the legacy of late Chief Emetsemhe Kadiri Dikko, describing him as a man of the people who lived a fulfilled life.

He said, Pa. Kadiri Dikko lived a worthy life of impact which culminated in his son, saying; “Let us condole Muhammed (son) and the entire Iviukhua community and celebrate a life well spent by our grandpa, father and uncle.

The late Chief Kadiri Dikko, was a soap opera, loved by many, till death, he was a staff of Etkako East LG. He lived a fulfilled life.

We using the medium to invite business associates, friends and well-wishers of Muhammed Dikko to please be on ground as we celebrate farewell burial ceremony of our beloved father, Dikko

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