2023: Eshieshi The Crusader Of Bringing Back Etsako’s Lost Glory

2023: Eshieshi The Crusader Of Bringing Back Edo-North And Etsako’s Lost Glory

It’s one thing to know a man and it’s another thing to know his dreams and vision, and a man without dreams and vision has no light of progress and development but he does.

Hon. Godwin Eshieshi is the man we know with undying dreams and vision for the restoration of the lost glory of Edo North and Etsako Federal constituency. He demonstrated this times without number.

Due to his passion for freedom of his people, the entire people of Etsako East in particular are saying “Na him we want to represent us in the Federal House of Representatives comes 2023.

A vote for Hon. G. E is a vote for the restoration of our lost glory. Men who experience sleepless nights thinking of how to solve the problems of his people are very rare but we are lucky to have Hon. Godwin Eshieshi on board for the selfless service he is known for.

God bless Etsako Federal Constituency

Etsako APC Media Team


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