2023: Eshieshi is the right peg for the round hole.

2023: Eshieshi is the right peg for the round hole.
Right decisions taken breeds right and best results. Just as the general public is taking the right decision to fix G. E in the Federal House of Representatives.

He (Hon. Godwin Eshieshi) is galvanizing plans and saleable ideas to better the lives of the people in Etsako Federal constituency.

Herein are few out of the enshrined plans to revive the livelihood of the less privileged.

Building of Federal skill acquisition centres, scholarship for secondary and tetiary institution students, mass employment for job seekers across Etsako constituency, Federal empowerment for all, provision of farm equipments for the farmers for maximum crops production, crying out loud for the federal government to establish Nigeria Defense Academy (NDA) in Etsako. etc.

He is a grassroot politician that knows the pains and challenges of his people based on his mutual relationship with them. He spent most of his time with his people trying to know what they are passing through for immediate attention.

You can’t entrust your treasures to a man who does know the pains you pass through to achieve them and it value but Hon. Godwin Eshieshi knows the pains and the sacrifices the masses would pay to entrust their interest in his hands at the Federal House of Representatives, it then means he will value and cherish it.

He would be transparent and accountable to the people in discharging his duties. He would always pay a listening hear to the good advise of the elders state men for brainstorming.

He has a humble character and very charismatic in nature. A goal oriented and great archiever in public tasks. He is not self-centered nor idea monopolist.

Hon. G. E is the best option for Etsako Federal House of Representatives come 2023.

Etsako APC Media Team

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