Your Political Ambition Is A Divine Calling – Supporter Beat Drum Of Praise For Eshieshi

Your Political Ambition Is A Divine Calling – Supporter Beat Drum Of Praise For Eshieshi

My leader, as the sun swallows the darkness during the day and the moon brightens the night time, so shall your private and political life continue to radiate as you set out to bring succor to the plight of the downtrodden in our society.

You have been a blessing to your people since you started your political peregrination from a very young age till date. You have been tested and trustd to be one with an incorruptible will to rescue the political and economic ship of our community that keeps hovering around the Bermuda triangle for a long time now.

Your participation in politics is a divine calling as it is evident that God brought you to solve your people’s problems through politics, going by the life changing policies and programs you initiated while at the helm of affairs in time past.

I had hardly grown up when you reigned as council Boss but my eyes still behold the work of your hand now that I am grown. Little wonder why the people have chosen you again for yet another position of leadership at the federal arm of government without looking a metre away.

You are the people’s choice for the Federal House of Representatives, Etsako Federal constituency.

This is just a tip of the ice-berg of the people’s love for you and how much they crave to taste of your generosity and humanitarian services again.

Hon Godwin Eshieshi, go and make your people proud once again sir.

Etsako APC Media Teams

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