Wakeup my Governor: 6yrs Gone Gone, Nothing To Show – APC Blast Obaseki [PART 1]

6yrs Gone Gone, Nothing To Show – APC Blast Obaseki [PART 1]


It is shameful to note that after six years, Governor Godwin Obaseki has nothing to show in government. We haven’t had this bad since the history of Edo State.

In Etsako East especially as one of the notable Local Government in Edo State, the governor haven’t even visited the LG talk of allocating project throughout his first term and second term is likely to be the same.

On the other hand, insecurity has been the news of the day, just few weeks Edo State have recorded scores of dead people and it seems the insecurity is peculiar to Edo North.

What is the definition of failure? A man who have governed a single State with two different party platforms and there are those who believed he is heading to Labour Party for another failure movement. Everything about him is just abnormal.

Wake up  my Governor


Etsako East APC publicity Secretary

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