Samson Alukhe Holds Thanksgiving Prayer To Celebrates Father’s Birthday Nonagenarian [SEE PHOTOS]


Samson Alukhe Idanesi, a Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has held a special thanksgiving to celebrate the 90yrs birthday of his father, Pa. David Idanesi

During the birthday celebration thanksgiving prayer, the chief celebrant, Pa. David Idanesi was showered with encomiums for his leadership skill and love for his people at the grassroot in Weppa Clan.

The birthday celebration have in attendance political Bigwigs across party lines both the Federation leading party APC and PDP chieftain were all in attendance: the newly inaugurated lawmaker of Edo State House of Assembly for Etsako East Constituency, Honourable Kingsley Oghenakhogie Ugabi, the PDP edo North senatorial district, Hon. Barr. Pascal Ugbomhe stormed Warri also to Celebrate Pa David Idanesi on His 90yrs Birthday.

Other political leaders were: Sir. Gabriel Akhor, Comr. Blessing Okpapi and a host of others who were on ground to mark the celebration with the nonagenarian.

Understand Pa. David ldanesi from Ovao, a man of culture, Weppa is a Patron to Weppa Wanno Union, Warri Branch.

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