Once upon a time, Auchi kingdom was taken over by golly erosion the one we call UDEYE “big hole” Eventually the Otaru of Auchi cried out to the president OLUSEGUN OBASANJO when he was the president of this country over the golly erosion decimation that has taken homes and lands in auchi making half of my community homeless and hopeless.
This government shunned the otaru of Auchi who went home with pains and disappointed.
He resumed same course during the reign of GOODLUCK JONATHAN and the case was same.
OSHIOMOLE, a state governor of our time was approached by my king the OTARU OF AUCHI. He gave him his words and so it became even when the opposition party where clamouring on air that he only arrived with machines like caterpillars and bulldozers into Auchi to prove his readiness to wipe out the tears of common man, they took it for campaign deciete and mare campaign.
We where too surprise to witness one warm morning, the action of fixing the Auchi golly began and within a twinkle of days, the entire dead and abandoned zone was revived for settlement.
He did not only end it there but to pay for all damages and make payment to all the houses affected.
He said he will do it and he did the impossible by the federal government. No wonder the bible said and I quote:…I will raise for them a prophet like you unto thee, among thy brethren, I shall put my words on his mouth and he shall speaketh of my words, he whosoever believeth not in him, I shall require it of him “punish him”…Moses now asked God how do we know this true prophets and God almighty answered; those whose words must come to past (1st Corinthians 13:9:13).
OSHIOMOLE’S Words came to past after all impossibilities. All what he promised especially to afenmai land, he delivered making Auchi a city like never before.
No wonder the bible discribed your types a prophet, a messaih, a savior infact you are victorious.
We stand by you great prophet oshiomole, great inovator, great reformer, great leader and an archiver …where ever you go, we go. We need you now and always for continuation, we are waiting to see your hands rested on us again, we stand by you for we know you are a light to our lands…may you reign forever.