PRESS STATEMENT: BAGUDU received LGA excos, Ward Chairmen, Ward leaders, women leaders, and Ward Secretaries in his residence at the headquarters of the local government, Fugar


The Etsako Central LGA Chairmanship Candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC, H.E COMRD. SULEIMAN BAGUDU (Egwe-Chair) held a strategic meeting with the above-mentioned party officials in his residence.


After proper introduction by those present in the meeting, Party Anthem was unanimously recited by all the members.


Some critical issues perplexing the local government were discussed and deliberated on as to profile ending solutions to it all.


After painstakingly listening to all the complaints from everybody, Comrd. Suleiman Bagudu addresses the audience and makes sure peace and unity prevail in the end.


Bagudu implore all the Ward Chairmen to be a good ambassador of the Party in their respective ward, and try to always unite the party Faithfuls in their Wards Consedering the fact that the Party is for everybody without segregation.


Bagudu makes an appeal to each and every one that we’re together in this race. You must display your strength and eligibility to get what you want.


Bagudu appreciates those who dedicated time to honour the meeting invitation and plead with anybody who felt neglected in the local government to come directly to him as he will always give attention to everyone.


“As I’m still going there, I’m not going to work for my pocket, I’m still going to work for the whole local government. You all are going to reap from what you’ve worked for, and Insha Allah, you all are going to benefit it.”

(~Bagudu Mentioned)


Conclusively, the party chairmen and other presented members take an oath of alliance to deliver their ward for the party (APC) in the upcoming LGA Chairmanship/Councillorship elections.








Media Aid to Egwe-Chair āœšŸæāœšŸæāœšŸæ

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