Presidency To Gully Sites in Auchi, Other Parts of Etsako.

Hope Raises As DANCO Leads Presidency To Gully Sites in Auchi, Other Parts of Etsako.

Representatives from the Ecological Fund, Office of the SGF at the Presidency have paid a visit to Gully sites in Auchi and other affected communities in Edo North on Monday the 21st of August.

The move which is believed to have been facilitated by Hon. Dekeri Anamero Sunday, Honorable member representing the good people of Etsako Federal Constituency has been described as a good start for the newly elected Law Maker with a view to ensuring that ecological and other human concerns are addressed under the administration of president Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu .

Describing the development, Chief (Engr.) Alasan Abubakar, chairman of Auchi Land Administration and Projects Committee noted that it is a good time to give more visibility to the Ecological concerns of Auchi together with those that are also affected in Edo North -noting that a lot of people are suffering from the dire consequences of gullies cutting through properties, business areas and rendering many homeless, jobless and more.

He noted that follow ups will be done at the community level to ensure that the efforts of Hon. Dekeri Anamero Sunday are consolidated with a view to helping to bring home the requisite help needed to reclaim degraded lands.

On his part, Chief Alhaji Yakubu Oshiorenoya (Yakson), former Chairman of Etsako West Local Government Area thanked the facilitator for visiting the numerous complaints that have been tendered by the Auchi community concerning the problems of gullies and stated that the visit by the representatives of the Ecological Fund Office  is testament to the fact that the law maker has come to work for the people he is representing.

He urged all affected communities to as a matter of urgency pen down their demands for degraded areas to be reclaimed and put in more concerted efforts towards giving attention to erosion prone areas and gullies for the Ecological Fund Office to take prompt action in the coming days.

The team visited and assessed the level of damages done by the Oshiomole-Osomeke Gully, Utsokwili Gullies among others in Auchi and visited other Erosion sites in Uzairue, South-Ibie and such other areas that are currently battling with ravaging

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