Obaseki Saving Security Votes For 2023 House Of Assembly Elections While Watching The People Dying, Says APC

Obaseki Saving Security Votes For 2023 House Of Assembly Elections While Watching The People Dying, Says APC


With Seven hundred and Fifty million naira (N750m) security votes, Edo state police command do not have vehicles to move around, Vigilantes do not have materials to work and other security agencies are stranded in office whenever there is security challenges yet Edo state Government led by Governor Godwin Obaseki and his political Armed Robbery Cabinets/House of Assembly are busy boasting and holding meetings on how to manipulate or destabilize House of Assembly elections come 2023.

Its no longer news that the Edo state Governor Godwin Obaseki have being boasting that other election like the Presidential, Senatorial and Reps elections do not concerned him but the House of Assembly elections will be do or die election because of the fears of the unknown. Security votes is Tax payers money and not met for buying vote in 2023 Elections, saving Security votes to buy vote come 2023 will not save you and your cohorts from the impending woos that is about to fall upon you and your political travellers because the good people of Edo state are ready to reject you and your stolen money this time.

It is true After destroying PDP you now what to take advantage of Labour party (LP) growing popularity by fixing your unpopular candidates in LP but again I can assure you that will be your political susider come 2023.

In the face of kidnapping, robbery and killing Edo state government is busy saving Security votes ( tax payers money) met for securing the people for forthcoming House of Assembly elections, on this note All Progressive Congress APC we are calling on failed government of Edo state to stand up for it’s responsibility and protect the good people of Etsako East and Edo state at large and forget about the lost elections of 2023. We are taking over.

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