Let Me Be Your Savant And I will Work For You…. Says Anamero

I WILL WORK FOR YOU~ Anamero Dekeri, APC Rep. Candidate.

February 17, 2023 7:00pm

Dear constituents, tonight, l feel compelled to address you as fellow citizens. The last few days have been one of the challenging period in the history of our nascent democracy. The recent monetary policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria CBN may have ushered in an era of a new normal where people whom the government is suposed to cater for and protect now struggle to survive. That is where we found ourselves.

A common and logical reasoning would have shown that no government of a ruling party contesting election can initiate such policies that are capable of igniting unrests in an election week where over 140 million Nigerians are to decide who governs them. The plan was to pent APC black in the mind of the electorate with the sole intention not to vote for us. From Asiwaju Tinubu to Adams Oshiomhole and my humble self, Anamero Dekeri, we share one thing in common- “progressives minded politicians”. We are not part of such plans and we will never be.

All l am asking from you is patience and perseverance to continue in our struggle to take the race to crescendo especially now that the election days are nearer. Tough time doesn’t last but strong people do.

You would recall that last June 2022, you gave me this mandate to fly the party’s flag and contest for house of representatives in Etsako federal constituency. We cannot abandon the project nor are we going to relent simply because of hardships which though momentary, but was intentionally created to set (you) the masses against our party, APC. Our leader, comrade Adams Oshiomhole has been vociferous on the lingering issue of naira redesign and the resultant restrictions which are placed on some of the denominations.

Fellow constituents, I am not unaware of the protests across the nation precipitated by the unprecedented hardships on the commoners. But let me caution you that we must not allow ourselves to be used or swayed by those who brought this to us.

The governors under the platform of APC have maintained strong stance that it doesn’t reflect the intention and policy framework of the All Progressives Congress APC. For the first time in the history of our democracy, we have seen governors from opposition party supporting what they termed “an APC policy” just to discredit the party and its candidates.
How do we explain those state governors who joined the suit against the progressives governors to ensure status quo is maintained?. To whom brain is given, sense is expected.

Please, bear with us as a party. In my own little efforts, l have been doing my best as a philanthropist, empowering our people, giving scholarships, supporting businesses, helping less privileged, building schools, sinking boreholes for communities, distributing writing materials to school pupils, donating electricity transformers, etc. In the next few days, my foundation, Anamero Foundation shall commence the distribution of another Empowerment Forms for farmers across Edo north where we target to empower over 5,000 Farmers. In a similar vein, I have equally promised to create 32 millionaires across the 32 political wards within Etsako federal constituency immediately after my election.

Over the past 13th years, l have been doing these humanitarian services to raise more independent and self reliant energetic people across Etsako and Edo North at large.

My purpose for seeking elective position is to have access to more opportunity to do more for my People such that the gap between the haves and the have not will be bridged.

I want you to search within your mind, check what l have been doing for the sake of humanity to decide whether l am worthy of your VOTES or not. I am the best man for the job that can represent your interest in the national Assembly.

However, I am not unaware of plans to scuttle election in my strongholds by the PDP on election day, l know l have your support and that of God because the bible said “one with God is majority”.

Thank you once again, my name is Anamero Dekeri, l am from Okpella, the APC Candidate for House of Representatives, Etsako Federal Constituency.

God Bless Etsako federal Constituency.

God Bless Edo North.

God Bless Nigeria.

©Anamero Media

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