HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES APC Candidate, Dekeri Anamero Receives GrandBreaking Royal Endorsement from OKPELLA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL OF CHIEFS

November 12, 2022.

HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES APC Candidate, Dekeri Anamero Receives GrandBreaking Royal Endorsement from OKPELLA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL OF CHIEFS.

©Anamero Media Group Reporting.

The APC Candidate for Etsako Federal Constituency, Dekeri Sunday Anamero visited the Okuokpellagbe’s Palace in Okpella yesterday to formally seek Royal blessing from the Okpella Traditional Council of Chiefs.

The most senior chief who received the team to the palace, Chief R.A David could not hide his joy, said that he was highly elated to see that the All Progressives Congress APC honored their son in person of Dekeri Sunday Anamero DANCO 2023 with the party ticket.

Chief R.A David assured that Okpella would do the needful for their son during the February 2023 Elections by ensuring that Anamero is given every necessary support and otherwise to emerge victorious.

The APC candidate, Mr. Anamero Dekeri thanked the council of Chiefs for the support given him thus far. He noted that the house of Rep ticket is not for him alone neither for the party either. Rather, it’s for the entire Okpellans and Etsako in general which according to him, “everyone will vote massively for him whether party A or B to honor the APC party for recognizing Okpella clan after more than 30 years political starvation.

On his part, Hon. Godwin Eshieshi, former Esako East LGA chairman and House of Rep. aspirant who also accompanied Dekeri Anamero noted with emphasis “that Okpella has realized its mistake but this time around, the narrative will change with unprecedented votes from Okpella.”

He therefore enjoined all Okpella worldwide to come home during election and vote for Dekeri Sunday Anamero.

As it is traditionally done, breaking of colanut was initiated by Atsogwa Peter who prayed for the success of the candidate, Dekeri Sunday Anamero and appeased the gods. He also committed all the campaign activities of their son (Anamero) into the hands of God.

Also speaking was the DG of Anamero Campaign Council, Hon. Joseph Ugheoke whose message was abundantly received by the chiefs.
“You people knows him (Anamero) as your son, but we knows him better as our son that is competent, humble, generous, philanthropic and a great achiever who will represent the interest of Etsako Federal Constituency very well at the national Assembly”, the DG said.

The former APC party chairman of Etsako West and the Oduman of South Ibie, Alh. Abubakar Akokhia who was in tears while addressing the palace said that Okpella is endowed with wealth and it can survive without the government of Edo state given the presence of multi-billion naira industries in the land.

“I greet you the good people of Okpella. This is a good opportunity for you to rewrite your history. You are naturally blessed by God with natural endowments that generate billions of revenue to the state government. You don’t need the state government rather, the government needs you to survive because they generate billions of naira from your community.

“You (Okpella) has never had this type of opportunity that you have today but you have it now under the APC. Please, on the day of election, l want you to come out and vote for Asiwaju Tinubu, Adams Oshiomhole, Dekeri Anamero, Kingsley Ugabi and other APC Candidates”, Akohia said.

Alh. Aremiyahu Mbakwe Momoh, the erstwhile boss of Etsako East LGA who also spoke at the gathering said that Okpella has learnt its lessons from the past misfortunes in politics which shall be corrected from next year election.

Other dignitaries who were in attendance at the Okuokpellagbe’s Palace are: Prince Das Momoh, the secretary of the campaign council, the director of media & publicity, Comrade Oseni Momodu (Embassy), the three LGAs coordinators- Mr. Timothy Eshiotse (Central), Frank Arewa (West), Comrade Ekpenson (East), etc.

Anamero DANCO 2023

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