Etsako East APC Condole Kebiru Over Father, Idris’s death

Etsako East APC, Saturday commiserate with Kebiru Idris over the death of his father, Pa. Idris, describing the late father as a man of destiny who lived a fulfilled life.

The APC Local Government Area Chairman, Hon. Peter BU Okponokhe, commiserated with the Kebiru family and the people of Uzanu over the death of the Patriarch of Idris family.

The Chairman said Pa Idris lived a worthy life of impact which culminated in his son becoming a Treasurer, saying; “we are here to condole with our friend and brother, Hon. Kebiru Idris, on the passing of his beloved father.

“We share in your loss. I know that you have very close and fond relations with your father. Having lived for many years and saw you become Treasurer. Why shouldn’t we thank God for his life? The Chairman noted.

May God receive his gentle soul

Comr Idodo Abdulrasak Emmanuel Ikpemoghe
Etsako East APC publicity secretary

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