Edo2024:Dennis Idahosa ; There is a story to tell _By Chris OSa

Edo2024:Dennis Idahosa ; There is a story to tell

_By; Christopher Uhunmwangho (Chris Osa)

As the 2024 Edo governorship election draws near, it is important for party faithfuls and electorates in general, question the credentials and antecedents of these aspirants, what have been their developmental contributions so far, particularly those who have occupied or still occupying public offices, how have they impacted their immediate constituencies

Voters demand transparency from political parties, who must prioritize merit over personal connections. The electorates are interested in individuals who via their antecedents have delivered the dividends of democracy for the people in their various capacities

My major concern is the Edo state APC, as the party hunt for a better and sellable candidate who already have a story to tell. Youthful Dennis Idahosa comes to mind, he is virtually on the lips of every young men and women who reside in Edo State.

RT. Hon. Dennis Idahosa who’s popularity has increasingly grown due to his legislative prowess and effective representation of Ovia federal constituency in the green chambers, although he only represents Ovia people, his developmental strides has drawn attention all over Benin city and Edo state at large

The reason for this indescribable popularity is not far fetched, that is the reason “THER IS A “ STORY TO TELL” , the 42 years old Idahosa is easily one of the best Ovia has produced to represent them at the green chambers, he has not only been seen standing up high and defending the interest of his constituents on the floor of the House of Representatives, he also made sure major works that will relief the hardship of his people and better his constituents are carried out. One of such projects he has attracted or embarked on in Ovia is the Aden bridge, he is the first lawmaker who has not only performed as an objective lawmaker, but also as a workaholic, who understands the importance of infrastructural development in his constituency

Dennis Idahosa improved transportation between various communities in Ovia, building three bridges to ease movement and transportation of farm produce in Ovia constituency, he has also completed the electrification of some communities in the federal constituency, these indeed are the sort of developments a state like Edo needs at the moment

Idahosa, fondly known as DENCO, in four years as a member of the federal House of Representatives showered his people with empowerments and verifiable developmental projects, no wonder he was named “MR. PROJECT” and got rewarded with a second term. As the electioneering campaign draws near, DENNIS IDAHOSA, will no doubts have a lot of good stories to tell.

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