EASTER : Edo APC Chieftain, Simon Ogie Felicitates With Christians By Elias Inaede

EASTER : Edo APC Chieftain, Simon Ogie Felicitates With Christians

By Elias Inaede

In commemoration of the Ressurection of Jesus Christ,
a Notable Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Etsako East Local Government Area, Rotarian Simon Ogie, has felicitated with Christians on the occasion of this year’s Easter celebration.

Rotarian Ogie urged Nigerians in respective of their Faiths and background to use the Easter Season to reflect on tendencies that can promote the peace, unity and progress of the country.

He called on Christians to uphold the lessons of the Holy Bible regarding the death of Jesus Christ and His Ressurection on the third day.

According to him, Christians should emulate the virtues of Jesus Christ as demonstrated by Him during his Earthly Ministry.

The APC Chieftain described Easter as a special celebration and called on Nigerians to pray for the Leadership of the country.

He cautioned against heating up the polity to cause disunity and disaffection among different Religions and tribes for Political gains, adding that Nigeria is one indivisible Country.

He enjoined Christians to show love compassion and selflessness towards one another, which according to him were virtues Jesus Christ preached and died for so that we might live as His Joint Heirs.

Rotarian Ogie. stressed that this year has brought together the Sacred days of the great Abrahamic Religions as Christians commemorate the sacrificial death of Christ and Muslims observing the Holy Month of Ramadan which reminded Nigerians that though they might be of different Faiths, but yet are of one Family serving God for a peaceful and better Society.

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