Easter Celebration: HoR APC Aspirant Adetutu Preaches Love, Peace And Unity


As Christian faithful join their counterparts across the globe in celebrating Easter to mark the glorious Alleluia and Christ’s triumphant over death today, the All Progressive Congress (APC) aspirant for Akoko-Edo House of Representatives Lady Adetutu Owolabi preaches love, peace and unity in Akoko-Edo assured them that she won’t abandon the promises made to them on her declaration day if elected.

In her Easter message to Akoko-Edo constituency and to all Christians, the frontline aspirant for Akoko-Edo House of Representatives comes 2023 noted that the present challenges in Akoko-Edo are just a phase, saying it will soon be over once she became their representative in the green chamber.

She called on Akoko-Edos to utilize the opportunity that the festive period brings to encourage themselves so that the machinations of the wicked ones in the constituency will find no place to thrive.

She said, “Easter is a season when hope is rekindled. Hope, Peace, Joy, Love are the recurring themes of this time.

“I urge all Akoko-Edo constituency sons and daughters to invoke the indomitable spirit in us and see the present order of things as a phase that will pass soonest, just like other unsavory situations in the nation’s history.

While rejoicing with Christians in Nigeria as they join fellow believers all over the world to celebrate the season, Adetutu said it is a special period that brings people of the world together with one purpose to celebrate togetherness, joy, peace, and above all, to share love with one another through exchange of goodwill and gifts.

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