Condemnation of Divisive Remarks Towards Senator Adams Oshiomhole… By Comr. Samson Alukhe


24th February, 2024

Condemnation of Divisive Remarks Towards Senator Adams Oshiomhole

It has come to my attention with profound dismay that certain individuals have been engaging in despicable behavior by making incendiary and divisive remarks aimed at Senator Adams Oshiomhole. Let it be unequivocally clear that such actions are utterly unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Senator Oshiomhole, a towering figure in Edo State politics and a former National Chairman of our great party, deserves utmost respect and reverence. His unwavering dedication and tireless efforts have contributed immensely to the growth and success of the APC in Edo State and beyond.

To those who dare to mock Senator Oshiomhole, I issue a stern warning that they cease and desist from such reprehensible conduct immediately as their actions is dangerous for the party as it prepares for the governorship poll.

I want to urge that since you perceive Senator Oshiomhole as an impediment to your political ambitions, you should be prepared to chart your own path to victory without relying on his support or involvement.

The APC and Edo State is bigger than you, and we will not be held hostage to petty squabbles or personal vendettas.

Thank you.

Comrade Samson Alukhe Idanesi

Chieftain, All Progressives Congress (APC) Etsako East Local Government, Edo State

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