Birthday Anniversary: You’re a Man with Many Parts —Sunny Ekpetika Tells Jarrett Tenebe 


…Eulogies APC Deputy State Chairman Tenebe


Sunny Ekpetika, on Friday, joined many Nigerians and Edolites to wish the Edo APC Deputy State Chairman Great Jarrett Tenebe a happy birthday describing the chief celebrant, Tenebe as a man with many parts.


In his goodwill message, Ekpetika further described Jarrett Tenebe as a distinguished Nigerian who has made his mark on the political scene and a statesman whose place in history as Edo leader, at different epochs in our nation’s development journey, is guaranteed.


While extolling him, he said, Jarrett has consistently demonstrated exceptional capacity, unwavering patriotism and abiding faith in the unity, peace, and progress of Nigeria both in words and in action, Sunny noted


You have been a great pillar to many mature minds, successful politicians, and business associates in Nigeria today. This is where you earned the title “THE EMPEROR, THE KING MAKER, THE MAN BEHIND and the Boss of all Bosses,” he added.


“Your sterling leadership mien is not unexpected, given your pedigree and antecedents as a noble leader in Etsako West, Ikabigbo, Afashio, Afowa Uzairue, I am happy you brought those worthy qualities to bear in the discharge of your functions as the APC deputy State Chairman in Edo.


Continue Speaking, Jarrett is a leader who knows how to manage information, an experienced politician who never believed in using people only for his benefit and dumping them when he actualised his target. A man who doesn’t believe in background gossip but is able to hear from both sides before judgement. The Oshiomhole of Ikagbigbo Kingdom and a true patriotic leader who strongly believes in the young generation to be given a chance to excel.


I pray that God Almighty, who has kept you alive and healthy, will continue to protect and strengthen you as you lend your efforts to the bid to realize our collective dreams for a greater and more prosperous nation.

Happy birthday, my leader, Sunny Ekpetika Ekpeson said.


Agbukor Lucky Apeakhuye,

Media Aide,


September 8, 2023.

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