2024: Talk About Projects, Dennis Idahosa Is A Masterclass, His Scorecard Is Intimidating

2024: Talk About Projects, Dennis Idahosa Is A Masterclass, His Scorecard Is Intimidating

APC socia-culture group, supporter of Dennis Idahosa Aka Denco has entered the towns and villages in Edo State to preach the good deeds and generosity of the Rep Member, adding that, Idahosa is a grassroot politician who knows the pains of his people, he has massively helped people in his immediate Constituency as he’s referred to be Mr. Project.

Testimonies abound as to the level of his Philanthropic disposition which he has most times does at the expense of his personal comfort.

The Edo State APC group have charges every Edolites men, women and youths to rally and take the good deeds of Idahosa to the street, as he is the only fresh blood aspirant needed for Edo 2024 Gubernatorial Elections.

Honourable Dennis Idahosa has been over the years empowering the young and old in terms of gainful ventures and other remarkable valuables in his Ovia Constituency and Edo State at large.

Idahosa has several occasions influenced health services to cater for the health needs of his people at Ovia Federal Constituency and other neighbouring communities.

In his benevolence and humanitarian gesture, HON. Dennis recently refurbished one of the long abandoned road in Benin for Motorist and for humanity sake.

Consequently, over the years, the people of Ovia Federal Constituency and other neighbouring communities lost sight of portable water, but Honourable Dennis Idahosa drilled boreholes for the people of his Community and environs. He has also refurbished Primary and Secondary school classes, for conducive learning at Ovia Federal Constituency and environs.

Such an Honourable mind shouldn’t be gambled with incompetent leaders who cannot even win their polling unit talk more of Ward. If APC must regain it way in Edo State then, we should all rally behind him for this great position in Edo State.

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