2022 APAA: The Man Odia Robert Ogedegbe

There is no dispute about the fact that Comr. Odia Robert Ogedegbe’s robust political journey is a pukka one and might have taken its root course in two dimensional points of views. The titan political leader, bee’s knees in politics, public and private sectors is a matter that has to do with good family upbringings, leading to higher minded status in character and captain of human resources manager.

Another central focal point that made it viable for the people’s Comr. Robert is to reach the zenith in politicking which has to do with his hotshot affinity and loves for humanity. Robert’s altruism gestures for humanity marked the end of the road for any acts of inward looking against others, silver tongue politics, thereby paving the way for him to inculcate culture of all-inclusive leadership in his conduct.

We have no doubt that, Robert has the capacity and the political will to institute a new concept of governance and a new agenda of sustainable development, to provide effective leadership, capable of providing solutions to the numerous challenges confronting the Auchi Polytechnic Alumni Association as always.

“We have identified the people’s Comr. Robert as a patriot in words, in action, and indeed, a leading light among the people.

He is a detribalised strategic thinker, with national outlook and balanced judgment, an exceptional manager of resources, a quintessential and visionary leader, an accomplished communicator and a seasoned administrator, a statesman in spirit and in physique, whose strides in the landscape remain outstanding as the man the APAA needs in this dispensation comes 2022 to represent them”.

“What we are doing is the hunger for the average person in the Auchi Polytechnic Alumni Association to see the sterling qualities of Comr. Odia Robert as a man who has demonstrated that democracy is the way to go right.

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