Edo 2024: Etsako Central Ward Four APC Disassociate Themselves From Alleged Suspension of High Chief Richard OKozi


— As 17 Out of 26 Exco Members Passed Vote of Confidence On His Leadership.

Seventeen out of the Twenty Six All Progressives Congress (APC) Executive Committee Members in Ward Four, Ogbona, Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State, have passed an implicit vote of confidence on the leadership of High Chief Richard OKozi, a Prominent Chieftain of the party in the Ward and a member of the State Executive Committee.

Rising from an emergency Ward 4 APC meeting held on 30th June, 2024 at Ogbona, the Chairman of the party in the Ward , Chief Michael Ikhaghu and the Exco members unanimously declared that High Chief Richard OKozi remains the Leader of the party in the Ward in view of his numerous contributions and support towards the progress and success of the party in the area.

Some of the resolutions reached at the end of the meeting include the following.

1 That there was never a time in which the Ward Exco met to discuss any case of anti party activities against High Chief OKozi.

2 That the purported signatories of the Ward Chairman and other Members of the Exco were forged and be so verified.

3 That HC Richard OKozi is a loyal party Man who has contributed immediately towards the progress and stability of the party in the Ward and that any trump-up charges against him is a figment of the imagination of Detractors who are bent on causing crisis and disunity in the party.

4 That We the 17 out of the 26 Exco Members of the Ward herewith pass a vote of implicit confidence on High Chief Richard OKozi as a result of his leadership prowess and contributions to the growth of the party in the Ward and in the entire Local Government.

5 That the Ward Secretary, Mr. Godfrey Oshiomhogho and his Cohort’s are the Propagators of the evil acts and should be watched.

The Ward Four Executive Members described the alleged allegations of Anti-Party activities and other infractions levelled against High Chief OKozi as not only baseless, unfounded and watery, but meant to tarnish the hard earned reputation of High Chief OKozi and should be totally ignored by the leadership of the party and the general public.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ogbona Ward Four, Chief Michael Ikhaghu, has written a petition to the acting Edo State APC Chairman, Emperor Jarret Tenebe, and the entire leadership of the party in the State to thoroughly investigate the criminal act of forgery of his signature on the purported suspension letter on OKozi to bring the Culprits and perpetrators to book.

When contacted on the development, Chief Richard OKozi denied the allegations against him describing the Perpetrators as Political Jobbers who benefit from crisis.

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