Denco2024: We will Fix And Reposition Edo For The Betterment Of The  People

Denco2024: We will Fix And Reposition Edo For The Betterment Of The  People,

Now is the strategic time to rewrite Edo’s history. More than ever, as a State must step forward to make the tough decisions that go beyond this moment and choose the future we want for ourselves as a people. It is time for the people to win.


Win employment for the youth via direct foreign investment, win genuine private sector partnership that’ll create job opportunities for our youth, women and stabilize our economy, win affordable healthcare for all, win education by introducing artificial intelligence in all secondary schools across our dear state.


win power through aggressive investment in renewable energy. It is time for Edolites to win our dignity and our prosperity. Let us be proud of Edo once and for all.

The future of Edo State is Here!


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