2023: Etsako Federal Constituency Representative, “Who Is Godwin Eahieshi”?

2023: Etsako Federal Constituency Representative, “Who Is Godwin Eahieshi”?

Hon. Godwin Eshieshi is a perfect description of a true Pathfinder and unique leadership character owing to his antecedents and unarguably admirable resume of enviable achievements, a paragon per Excellent and expertise.

He is people-oriented governance and a seasoned stateman who is not always tired of his people in all ramifications.

Without prejudice or spite to past leaders, Nigeria has been a pragmatic case of square pegs placed in round holes where people without the requisite “technical know how”, expertise and experience have sadly presided over our affairs for far too long and the results have left much to be desired.

Godwin Eshieshi is indeed an icon of our political and leadership rebirth. Etsako East needs a torch bearer like Eshieshi and the time is NOW! And we are out to change the narrative.

Etsako APC media team

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